Tech Gadgets

Futuristic Gadgets under 100$ Worth Having

The tech- gadget sphere has received an influx of inexpensive but highly capable gadgets. Since the introduction of smartphones, components such as lithium-ion batteries, accelerometers and processors have become very affordable thus…
Business Marketing

What Percentage Of The Net Profit Makes A Decent Investment In Marketing?

The percentage of the net profit a business should invest in marketing is determined by several factors. The length of time a business has been in the market is the major determining…
Marketing Strategies

What Marketing Channels Should A Startup Invest The Most In?

Marketing for startups is a special subject that should be given all the attention it deserves. Marketing for startups involves helping a new business take its first baby steps and supporting it…
Startup Business

Some of the Most Famous Non-VC-Backed Tech Start-Ups

Many people believe that only businesses funded by VCs can grow and become famous. However, they are wrong; VC is not always the denominator of every successful venture. Some people have started…
Mobile OS

Can You Change An Operating System Of A Mobile Phone?

Mobile phones have operating systems to run applications and programs. The operating systems are different, and each has its unique features. Your phone’s apps, functions, and software are determined by the OS…
Security Checks in Mobile App

Security Checks before Downloading an App

It is vital to know how to determine whether a mobile app is safe or not. Mobile phones carry a lot of detailed personal information which you do not want to jeopardize…

Top 10 Android Apps That Can Make Life Easy

Smartphones are highly efficient. But every user is looking for a way to increase convenience and efficiency through adding apps. There are many app developers out there who know what smartphone users…